Why rebuild the website?
I wanted to share with you the proces and the ideas that went in to re-designing tuevolder.com. To highligt and summarize the new benefits you, who visit my home on the web, get from the work-over and simplification of the site.
The keyword is focus
Briefly put, the new keyword is ”Focus”. Focus on the goal of the site, which is to showcase my art simpler and better in order to make it much clearer to you, the visitor, what it is i do and how to find the perfect piece of art for you.
What did i do to achieve this?
First of all i've done away with the site being mainly an online portfolio with an external shop attached. I now focus on showing my best work in the main categories i work in on the frontpage. Those are:
Ink and/or watercolor illustrations
Customized vinyl toys
And the latest addition – Murals.
I want to make it quick and easy for you to have exactly the piece of art you feel inspired to get so right underneath the inspirational images i placed a direct link to the shop.
Focus on quality in-depth blogpost
I also believe that it will be a much more valuable website experience for you, when i now focus on quality in-depth blogposts. I do this to show much more of my art proces in order to expand this universe for a stronger sense of what it is that drives me artistically. Because i want to make a connection with you i'm going to be more inviting and hammer home the feeling of entering into a world.of cool, crazy characters created in classic, classy materials with a foot in the old shool and an eye to the present.
A simple, clean message
I've always wanted my websites to be simple and clean without distracting design features, and this one is no exception. I really want to share these monkeys with you because i've seen that they bring joy and good vibes to people, so i want to be clear when talking to you. The art and your experience with it is what counts.
I hope you'll enjoy your time here in the new surroundings.
In summary, these are the new key elements to tuevolder.com:
Front page - New frontpage with a new focus and a clearer message.
Shop - Locally integrated shop for a smoother journey when looking for art to buy.
Video - Relevant videos mainly going behind the art or teaching.
Blog - A much more interesting blog because i've decided to go more in depth with the artwork, my proces of creating and other relevant topics.
Mobile friendly. The old site was really not displaying nicely on mobile devices, and let's be realistic. You wanna be able to get the good experience regardless of the device you are on.
So i made sure to make it display nice and clear no matter what you used to come here.
And... new top "logo. My old top icon, while being iconic and logo-like didn't really communicate much. The new illustration next to my name is loose and somewhat silly. The monkeys are meant to be fresh and bring fun and I want to make that clear right away when you enter the site.